cheap team building activities

Cheap Team Building Activities

If you’re looking for ways to improve teamwork and communication, you can find many cheap team building activities that are a lot of fun. They also help you create bonds with your employees and build stronger relationships within your company.

For a simple ice breaker, have each person share one memory with the group. This will encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and build trust between different levels.

Random Acts of Kindness

There’s a lot of scientific research that supports the idea that small acts of kindness make people happier, healthier, and more successful. And these feelings can be contagious.

For example, researchers in Spain recently found that a group of employees who performed acts of kindness for their coworkers saw an increase in happiness. But more importantly, their fellow coworkers who received these kindnesses also reported an increase in happiness as well.

This kind of ‘ripple effect’ is one of the biggest reasons why Random Acts of Kindness can be such a great team building activity. It’s a way to bring your team together as a group and help them become more socially conscious while having fun.

The best part about random acts of kindness is that they don’t have to be for a specific person. They can be for a stranger, or even for the greater good of your community.

If you haven’t tried it yet, consider giving your employees a week to do 5 different random acts of kindness. This can include feeding a stranger’s parking meter, picking up litter, helping a friend with a chore or providing meals to those in need.

Aside from making your community a better place, doing an act of kindness is a great way to practice empathy and compassion. It also helps to increase your serotonin levels, which are a key component of mood regulation, social behavior and memory.

If you are looking for a cheap team building activity that is easy to organize, try doing a Random Acts of Kindness charity scavenger hunt. This philanthropic challenge is available anywhere in North America for groups of any size and is an exciting team building event that your team will love.


Ziplining is a great activity that gets employees out of the office and helps them bond with their peers. This team building activity also challenges them to face their fears and encourages them to support each other.

Zip lines are also a popular form of outdoor recreation and are often used as an eco-tourism option in places like Hawaii and Costa Rica. These tours allow guests to explore rainforest ecosystems while avoiding a huge carbon footprint in the area.

However, Zip lining is not without risks. Zipline accidents are common and many people have been injured or lost their lives in tragic ways that could have been prevented if a company operated their course with reasonable safety standards.

The most common type of injury involves a participant falling from a high-rise structure down several feet or more. This fall may lead to fractures, sprains, and other injuries.

These types of injuries are typically severe and can cause lifelong impacts. If you are hurt while participating in a zip line tour, it is important to seek legal advice to determine your options for compensation.

Insurance is often a consideration in these cases, especially when an operator refuses to pay your claim. If the operator’s insurer does not cover your claim, you can sue them in court for damages.

Zip lining has been around for more than two centuries, but it was not widely popular until the 1970s when wildlife biologists began using it as a means of exploring densely forested areas in Costa Rica without damaging the environment. These early attempts at zipline eco-tours were a huge success and the practice has since become popular.

Zip lining is a cheap team building activity that can be done in a variety of locations across the country. It is best suited for large open parks, fields and beaches, but it can also be done on private property.

Marshmallow Challenge

This inexpensive team building activity is a great way to practice collaborative problem solving, design thinking and resilience. It encourages team members to take risks and develop new ideas, test them quickly to see what works, and iterate and adapt to improve.

It is a simple game that requires little time and can be run by anyone in the room. Its focus on team collaboration is ideal for classroom learning as well as corporate or executive meetings.

Teams of four are given 18 minutes to build the tallest free standing structure that will support a marshmallow. They are provided 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of string, and strips of tape.

The Marshmallow Challenge was created by Tom Wujec, who has conducted it with hundreds of groups throughout the world. It is one of the fastest and most effective techniques for improving a team’s capacity to generate fresh ideas, build rapport and incorporate prototyping — all of which lie at the heart of effective innovation.

What’s interesting about the challenge is that it teaches teams to think like kindergarten students when they need to design. Kids use iteration and build multiple prototypes to test their ideas.

They keep the marshmallow on top as they develop their solution, observing and testing it until they find something that works. Many attempts fail, but this provides instant feedback and teaches students to be agile and adaptable.

What’s more, this exercise reminds teams that there are never unlimited resources or the perfect environment to grow. In business, there are always limitations and iterative, rapid experiments are the best way to discover what’s useful and what needs to be discarded.

Cooking Class

Cooking classes are an easy way to bring your team together. These activities are cheap, require little to no planning and can be conducted in a variety of locations, making them ideal for teams on tight budgets.

A cooking class can help your team develop teamwork and communication skills, as well as foster relationships among coworkers. It is also a great way to promote health and wellness among your employees.

You can find a number of cooking classes in your area, and the costs vary depending on the instructor, the type of class and whether or not ingredients are included in the cost. These classes can be held in a variety of settings, such as restaurants, community centers and even home kitchens.

During these classes, you can learn how to cook different dishes, from traditional favorites to new international delicacies. The best part is that you can practice your skills at home, with the recipes you’ve learned.

In addition, many of these classes are aimed at developing your team’s health awareness and educating them on the importance of eating healthy. This is particularly important in an age when the prevalence of diet-related diseases is rising.

Another reason that cooking classes are a good choice for team building is that they help employees bond and socialize in an off-work setting. This is especially helpful in the case of remote teams, as they are often lacking in this capacity due to distance.

It is also possible to organize virtual cooking classes online, such as those offered by Sur La Table and Top Chef University. These classes are available for a variety of cuisines and can be accessed through a password-protected Zoom link. They are fully interactive and start at $29 per person.

Golf Outing

Golf Outing is a great way to bond with your team members and provide them with a day of relaxation. The cost of the event is usually low and the staff can be very helpful if you need help organizing the event.

Organizing a charity golf outing can be a lot of work, so you should have someone on your team that is experienced in planning such events. It is also best to hire a committee of volunteers to help plan and run the outing.

The first thing that you should do is decide on the location and date of your outing. This is a big decision because the event will impact your fundraising goals and budget.

Another thing that you should consider is the type of outing format that you want to use. Depending on the demographic of your group, this can make a huge difference in the outcome of your event.

You can choose from a variety of formats that include Scramble, Shamble, Best Ball and Stableford. Each format can be tailored to the needs of your group, resources and field.

Choosing the right outing format is key to the success of your charity event. It can affect everything from the prizes that you give out to the number of players that you have at the outing.

The best outing formats will be customized to the specific needs of your charity event. For example, if you have an elite group of golfers, it might be more beneficial to choose a format that will challenge them.

Another thing to keep in mind when choosing an outing format is the number of games that you want to offer. Some teams will prefer to focus on the course while others may want to participate in more fun activities.