examples of team building activities

Examples of Team Building Activities That Close a Workshop

Team building is a key way to help your team work together more effectively. But it can also be an exhausting process – and that’s why it’s important to close a session with team building activities that reinforce major learning points and bring the whole workshop to a satisfying end.

Best and Worst

Team building activities are an important part of any business, fostering collaboration and a sense of unity within a team. They can also help to ease the tension of a new employee’s arrival and build camaraderie between colleagues.

The best team-building activities encourage employees to work together and develop new strategies to solve problems, boosting their confidence in their abilities. Some activities even encourage team members to take on a leadership role in the process.

Spectrum Mapping is a great way to get your employees thinking outside the box and generating different solutions to common issues. The game asks participants to write their solutions on sticky notes and then map them out as a spectrum (soft to aggressive, safe to risky). Once the solution is mapped out, teams must group similar solutions together to make a final decision.

Memory Wall is a fun activity that gets employees to share positive memories related to their jobs. This can be done by writing about, drawing, or sharing a photo of a positive memory that they have in the workplace that is related to a certain topic.

In order to play this activity, you need a deck of cards that have things associated with your company written or drawn on them. Some of the items that you might want to include in your deck are things like names and pictures of different locations around your office, as well as other details about your company such as your logo or slogan.

This is an interactive team-building activity that will boost morale and encourage employees to give back to the community. It can be played in teams, and it’s also a great way to get your remote team out of the office for some exercise.

Another simple game that can be played with teams is Human Knot. It is a classic and can be played in the comfort of your home or office.

Unlike most other team building games, this one will test the communication skills of your employees. It’s a good exercise for shy people who are reluctant to open up to other team members.

Snowball Fight

A snowball fight is a fun, physical activity that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. The game can be played outdoors or indoors, and involves a team of players throwing snowballs at each other.

The basic principles of the game are simple, and the rules can vary depending on the age of the participants. For example, a kid’s snowball fight may involve using a smaller number of “snowballs” and throwing them farther than an adult would.

Regardless of the age or ability level, the snowball fight is a great way to build a sense of trust among members of the team. It also helps develop a feeling of cooperation and responsibility.

To start, divide the participants into two teams. This helps ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the game.

Once you’ve divided the players into teams, make sure that each player has a pair of “snowballs” to throw in the fight. You can use sheets of paper you have laying around the house or crumple up old newspapers and coupon mailings to create the “snowballs.”

The type of snow used for the snowballs has an important role in whether or not it will make a good “snow ball”. If it’s too dry, it will be hard to compact. On the other hand, if it’s wet, the snow will absorb the air, and will form dense, round crystals.

When it comes to determining the size of the “snowballs,” you can use the same method as you would for the regular snowballs, but you should add a little bit of glue to the inside of each one. This will help to keep the “snowballs” together and will also help to make them heavier.

As a bonus, this type of activity also helps to get the kids out of their seats and moving! If you’re a teacher, this is a great activity to use as an introduction to the class.

To complete this fun team building activity, you’ll need a pair of snowballs and a timer. The goal is to throw as many “snowballs” as possible to the opposite side of the room in 5 minutes. When the timer expires, the team with the most “snowballs” on their side wins the game.

Strength Statements

Whether you’re applying for a job or just trying to get a promotion, it’s important to highlight your strengths and show how you used them in your past. Your interviewers want to know how you would apply these qualities to the job and how they could benefit your team or company.

The best way to do this is by choosing a few specific strengths and using them in your story. For example, if you’re applying for an accounting role, choose the skills that would help you succeed in that position. If you’re applying for a role that requires strong leadership or communication abilities, pick those skills as your strongest ones and use them to tell a story about how you led a team in the past.

Another strength that will stand out from the crowd is your positive attitude, which can make a huge difference in any situation. This intangible strength can help you build a positive work environment and increase morale among your co-workers.

If you’re unsure about what you have as a strength, you can take a test like the DISC Personality Inventory, which is free and available online or from school teachers or administrative staff. These tests are great for identifying personality traits that you’re not aware of, such as emotional strengths and behavioral preferences.

Some of these strengths can be very intangible, and a few may even be difficult to sell in an interview. But if you can find a way to explain how your positive attitude has helped your team or company, it will give you a leg up in the hiring process and ensure that you’re hired for the right position.

In a similar vein, you can include intangible skills like creativity or quick reasoning. The premise of this game is that players are lost and stuck on a deserted island, so they have to share with each other what objects or feelings they’d bring along with them if they were shipwrecked.

This is a fun exercise that helps team members learn about their colleagues and how they feel about specific items. It’s also a good way to build trust between teammates. It can be difficult to do this activity in large groups, so you might want to consider dividing employees into smaller teams.

Trust Battery

One of the most fundamental elements of team work is trust. Creating a safe space for your team to build trust can supercharge collaboration and improve morale. While teams naturally grow to trust each other as time goes by, it’s important for team leaders to help create a culture that fosters mutual trust.

When a team doesn’t have trust it can become a toxic environment for everyone involved. This can be especially true for remote workers.

This is why it’s so important for teams to regularly check their trust levels and encourage each other to proactively charge them up. The trust battery is a great metaphor for this because it helps participants to understand that relationships are like batteries that need to be charged up or discharged over time.

Shopify CEO Tobi Lutke uses the trust battery to describe how his company’s employees work together. When a person has a trust battery of 85% or 90% with another person, they’re at a high level of trust.

The same is true for brands, as well. Brands are able to charge their customers’ trust when they offer value, empathy and understanding.

Similarly, it’s also important to charge up your personal trust battery with those closest to you. This can be a difficult thing to do, but it’s essential for maintaining healthy, productive relationships.

This can be done through a series of fun, team building activities that encourage team members to learn more about each other.

For example, this team building activity encourages team members to get to know one another by sharing their favorite hobby or side-hustle. Whether it’s a current project, a past one or a desired one, everyone has something they love doing when they’re not working.

As well as boosting group bonding, team building activities can also be a great way for you to explore and share different aspects of your company culture. A scavenger hunt is an excellent example of this.

Getting to know a team member’s personality through a scavenger hunt is a great way to find out more about their interests and passions as well as their strengths, capabilities and preferences when it comes to working with others. By highlighting their strengths and motivating them to use those strengths, you can ensure that your team is a cohesive and engaged unit!